Return to Home Page Class Timetable (Age) Do Dance Information Booklet 2025 Return to Home Page Class Timetable (Age) Do Dance Information Booklet 2025 Registration Do Dance Academy | Registration & Enrolment 2025 2025 Registration for new and existing students. Step 1 of 7 - Parent Details 14% Parent/Guardian #1 - Full Name* Prefix Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. First Last Parent/Guardian #1 - Address* Address Address Line 2 Suburb State Postcode Parent/Guardian #1 - Best Contact Number* Parent/Guardian #1 - Email Address* Add another parent? Yes Parent/Guardian #2 - Full Name* Prefix Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. First Last Parent/Guardian #2 - Address* Address Address Line 2 Suburb Postcode Parent/Guardian #2 - Best Contact Number* Parent/Guardian #2 - Email Address* Emergency Contact Name*This information will only be used if the parent/s can not be contacted. Prefix Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. First Last Emergency Contact's Number* Student's Name (1st Student)* First Last Student's Date of Birth (1st Student)* DD slash MM slash YYYY Student's Gender (1st Student)*Please list the gender the student identifies as Female Male Non-binary Agender Prefer not to answer Student's Medical Information (1st Student)Illness or injuries you child may suffer from i.e. Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hemophilia, Allergies etc. or if your child/self is required to wear orthotics.Class Selection (Important - PLEASE READ)For each child you will need to select one or more classes. To ensure you select the appropriate class for your child/ren please select the appropriate 'Birth Year Class Grouping' (per child). Then finally select one or more classes from the options.Birth Year Class Groupings (1st Student)*Please Select20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013-20122011-20102009 or BeforeAdults ClassesShining Stars (Special Needs Class)N/A (I Only Need Selection Only Class/es)Shining Stars Class Selection (1st Student)* Shining Stars (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2023 Class Selection (1st Student)*1 Years Old (Turning 2 in 2025) Little Stars - Helper (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2022 Class Selection (1st Student)*2 Years Old (Turning 3 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 1 Class (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) 2021 Class Selection (1st Student)*3 Years Old (Turning 4 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 2 Class (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) 2020 Class Selection (1st Student)*4 Years Old (Turning 5 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2019 Class Selection (1st Student)*5 Years Old (Turning 6 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hip (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2018 Class Selection (1st Student)*6 Years Old (Turning 7 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Jazz (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior A Ballet (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2017 Class Selection (1st Student)*7 Years Old (Turning 8 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior C Acrobatics (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B&C Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior C Jazz (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Junior C Musical Theatre (Sat 12.15pm - 1.30pm) 2016 Class Selection/s (1st Student)*8 Years Old (Turning 9 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior B Jazz (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B Acrobatics (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2015 Class Selection/s (1st Student)*9 Years Old (Turning 10 in 2025) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A Ballet (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A Jazz (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) BOYS ONLY - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2014 Class Selection/s (1st Student)*10 Years Old (Turning 11 in 2025) Intermediate C Ballet (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate C Jazz (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2013-2012 Class Selection/s (1st Student)*11-12 Years Old (Turning 12-13 in 2025) Intermediate B Hip Hop (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B Jazz (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Intermediate B Ballet (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2011-2010 Class Selection/s (1st Student)*13-14 Years Old (Turning 14‐15 in 2025) Intermediate A Jazz (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A Hip Hop (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A Ballet (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 2009 or Before Class Selection/s (1st Student)*15 Years or Older (Turning 16 or older in 2025) Senior Musical Theatre (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Tap (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Contemporary (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Jazz (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Ballet (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Senior Hip Hop (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Adult Class Selection/s (1st Student)*18 Years or older in 2025 Adults Ballet (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Adults Tap (Mon 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Adults Jazz (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Was this student invited to a 'Selection Only' Class by Do Dance Academy?*If this applies to your child you would have been contacted by one of the team from Do Dance Academy and also advised to complete this section. If you are uncertain, select 'No' and proceed with the form. Contact Do Dance Academy if you have any further questions.Please SelectYESNOSelection Only Classes (1st Student)*Please select the class/es that you have been invited to join that you would like to register for. 8 & Under Performance Team (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 10 & Under Performance Team (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) 12 & Under Performance Team (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 15 & Under Performance Team (Fri 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Opens Performance Team (Fri 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Mature & Motivated Team (Thurs 8.30pm-9.15pm) Primary Acrobatic Exam (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 1 Acrobatic Exam (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 2 Acrobatic Exam (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Level 4 Acrobatic Exam (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Elite Acrobatics (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Combined Acrobatics (Fri 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Foundation Grade 5 Classical (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Grade 5 Classical (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Sub Elementary Classical (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Elementary Classical (Tues 3.00pm - 4.00pm) Pointe Class (Thurs 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Classical Teachers Certificate (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 5 Tap (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Grade 8 Tap (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Tap Teachers Certificate (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Grade 5 Modern Jazz (Wed 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 8 Modern Jazz (Wed 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Do you need to add a 2nd Student?Press NEXT if this is not applicable. YES Student's Name (2nd Student)* First Last Student's Date of Birth (2nd Student)* DD slash MM slash YYYY Student's Gender (2nd Student)*Please list the gender the student identifies as Female Male Non-binary Agender Prefer not to answer Student's Medical Information (2nd Student)Illness or injuries you child may suffer from i.e. Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hemophilia, Allergies etc. or if your child/self is required to wear orthotics.Birth Year Class Groupings (2nd Student)*Please Select20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013-20122011-20102009 or BeforeAdults ClassesShining Stars (Special Needs Class)N/A (I Only Need Selection Only Class/es)Shining Stars Class Selection (2nd Student)* Shining Stars (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2023 Class Selection (2nd Student)*1 Years Old (Turning 2 in 2025) Little Stars - Helper (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2022 Class Selection (2nd Student)*2 Years Old (Turning 3 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 1 Class (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) 2021 Class Selection (2nd Student)*3 Years Old (Turning 4 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 2 Class (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) 2020 Class Selection (2nd Student)*4 Years Old (Turning 5 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2019 Class Selection (2nd Student)*5 Years Old (Turning 6 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hip (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2018 Class Selection (2nd Student)*6 Years Old (Turning 7 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Jazz (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior A Ballet (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2017 Class Selection (2nd Student)*7 Years Old (Turning 8 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior C Acrobatics (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B&C Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior C Jazz (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Junior C Musical Theatre (Sat 12.15pm - 1.30pm) 2016 Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*8 Years Old (Turning 9 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior B Jazz (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B Acrobatics (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2015 Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*9 Years Old (Turning 10 in 2025) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A Ballet (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A Jazz (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) BOYS ONLY - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2014 Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*10 Years Old (Turning 11 in 2025) Intermediate C Ballet (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate C Jazz (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2013-2012 Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*11-12 Years Old (Turning 12-13 in 2025) Intermediate B Hip Hop (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B Jazz (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Intermediate B Ballet (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2011-2010 Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*13-14 Years Old (Turning 14‐15 in 2025) Intermediate A Jazz (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A Hip Hop (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A Ballet (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 2009 or Before Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*15 Years or Older (Turning 16 or older in 2025) Senior Musical Theatre (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Tap (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Contemporary (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Jazz (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Ballet (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Senior Hip Hop (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Adult Class Selection/s (2nd Student)*18 Years or older in 2025 Adults Ballet (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Adults Tap (Mon 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Adults Jazz (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Was this student invited to a 'Selection Only' Class by Do Dance Academy?*If this applies to your child you would have been contacted by one of the team from Do Dance Academy and also advised to complete this section. If you are uncertain, select 'No' and proceed with the form. Contact Do Dance Academy if you have any further questions.Please SelectYESNOSelection Only Classes (2nd Student)*Please select the class/es that you have been invited to join that you would like to register for. 8 & Under Performance Team (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 10 & Under Performance Team (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) 12 & Under Performance Team (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 15 & Under Performance Team (Fri 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Opens Performance Team (Fri 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Mature & Motivated Team (Thurs 8.30pm-9.15pm) Primary Acrobatic Exam (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 1 Acrobatic Exam (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 2 Acrobatic Exam (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Level 4 Acrobatic Exam (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Elite Acrobatics (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Combined Acrobatics (Fri 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Foundation Grade 5 Classical (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Grade 5 Classical (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Sub Elementary Classical (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Elementary Classical (Tues 3.00pm - 4.00pm) Pointe Class (Thurs 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Classical Teachers Certificate (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 5 Tap (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Grade 8 Tap (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Tap Teachers Certificate (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Grade 5 Modern Jazz (Wed 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 8 Modern Jazz (Wed 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Do you need to add a 3rd Student?Press NEXT if this is not applicable. YES Student's Name (3rd Student)* First Last Student's Date of Birth (3rd Student)* DD slash MM slash YYYY Student's Gender (3rd Student)*Please list the gender the student identifies as Female Male Non-binary Agender Prefer not to answer Student's Medical Information (3rd Student)Illness or injuries you child may suffer from i.e. Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hemophilia, Allergies etc. or if your child/self is required to wear orthotics.Birth Year Class Groupings (3rd Student)*Please Select20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013-20122011-20102009 or BeforeAdults ClassesShining Stars (Special Needs Class)N/A (I Only Need Selection Only Class/es)Shining Stars Class Selection (3rd Student)* Shining Stars (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2023 Class Selection (3rd Student)*1 Years Old (Turning 2 in 2025) Little Stars - Helper (Sat 8.30am - 9.15am) 2022 Class Selection (3rd Student)*2 Years Old (Turning 3 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 1 Class (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) 2021 Class Selection (3rd Student)*3 Years Old (Turning 4 in 2025) Little Stars - Level 2 Class (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) 2020 Class Selection (3rd Student)*4 Years Old (Turning 5 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2019 Class Selection (3rd Student)*5 Years Old (Turning 6 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior B&C Acrobatics (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hip (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior B&C Ballet (Sat 10.00am - 10.45am) Pre Junior B&C Jazz (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2018 Class Selection (3rd Student)*6 Years Old (Turning 7 in 2025) Pre Junior A,B&C Contemporary (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A Jazz (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Pre Junior Hip Hop (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Musical Theatre (Sat 9.15am - 10.00am) Pre Junior A Ballet (Sat 10.45am - 11.30am) Pre Junior A,B&C Tap (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Pre Junior A,B&C Hip Hop (Sat 12.15pm - 1.00pm) 2017 Class Selection (3rd Student)*7 Years Old (Turning 8 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior C Acrobatics (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B&C Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior C Jazz (Sat 11.30am - 12.15pm) Junior C Musical Theatre (Sat 12.15pm - 1.30pm) 2016 Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*8 Years Old (Turning 9 in 2025) Junior B&C Tap (Tues 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Contemporary (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B&C Hip Hop (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior B Jazz (Thurs 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Junior B Ballet (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Junior B Acrobatics (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2015 Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*9 Years Old (Turning 10 in 2025) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A Ballet (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A Acrobatics (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A Jazz (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A&B Musical Theatre (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) BOYS ONLY - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 2014 Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*10 Years Old (Turning 11 in 2025) Intermediate C Ballet (Mon 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate C Jazz (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Hip Hop (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Contemporary (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Junior A/Intermediate C Tap (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Boys Only - Junior Hip Hop (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2013-2012 Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*11-12 Years Old (Turning 12-13 in 2025) Intermediate B Hip Hop (Mon 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B Jazz (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Intermediate B Ballet (Wed 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate B&C Acrobatics (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) 2011-2010 Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*13-14 Years Old (Turning 14‐15 in 2025) Intermediate A Jazz (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Intermediate A&B Tap (Wed 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A Hip Hop (Wed 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate Musical Theatre (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Intermediate A Ballet (Thurs 5.30pm - 6.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Intermediate A&B Contemporary (Fri 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 2009 or Before Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*15 Years or Older (Turning 16 or older in 2025) Senior Musical Theatre (Tues 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Tap (Tues 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Contemporary (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Intermediate A/Senior Acrobatics (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Senior Jazz (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Senior Ballet (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Senior Hip Hop (Fri 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Adult Class Selection/s (3rd Student)*18 Years or older in 2025 Adults Ballet (Mon 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Adults Tap (Mon 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Adults Jazz (Thurs 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Was this student invited to a 'Selection Only' Class by Do Dance Academy?*If this applies to your child you would have been contacted by one of the team from Do Dance Academy and also advised to complete this section. If you are uncertain, select 'No' and proceed with the form. Contact Do Dance Academy if you have any further questions.Please SelectYESNOSelection Only Classes (3rd Student)*Please select the class/es that you have been invited to join that you would like to register for. 8 & Under Performance Team (Tues 5.30pm - 6.15pm) 10 & Under Performance Team (Thurs 4.45pm - 5.30pm) 12 & Under Performance Team (Fri 6.15pm - 7.00pm) 15 & Under Performance Team (Fri 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Opens Performance Team (Fri 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Mature & Motivated Team (Thurs 8.30pm-9.15pm) Primary Acrobatic Exam (Wed 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 1 Acrobatic Exam (Tues 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Level 2 Acrobatic Exam (Thurs 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Level 4 Acrobatic Exam (Mon 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Elite Acrobatics (Fri 4.00pm - 4.45pm) Combined Acrobatics (Fri 4.45pm - 5.30pm) Foundation Grade 5 Classical (Mon 6.15pm - 7.00pm) Grade 5 Classical (Mon 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Sub Elementary Classical (Wed 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Elementary Classical (Tues 3.00pm - 4.00pm) Pointe Class (Thurs 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Classical Teachers Certificate (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 5 Tap (Thurs 7.00pm - 7.45pm) Grade 8 Tap (Tues 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Tap Teachers Certificate (Tues 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Grade 5 Modern Jazz (Wed 7.45pm - 8.30pm) Grade 8 Modern Jazz (Wed 8.30pm - 9.15pm) Where did you hear about us?* Re-Enrolling Referral Search Engine (Ie Google) Website Social Media Performance Daycare Centre Who referred you?We would like to thank them. Photo Consent*I give permission for Do Dance Academy to take, use and publish pictures/video of my child/self. I understand that the images will be able to be accessed by members of the general public. Yes No Special Consideration (eg. No Names allowed photos only) Special Consideration Details*Please provide more details Google Drive Video Policy*To enhance students' learning experience and keep parents informed, we are excited to introduce a dedicated Google Drive folder for each class. Through this platform, we will regularly upload class videos, allowing students to review their choreography and techniques at home, while also giving parents a glimpse of what their children are working on each week. This visual feedback helps students better understand teacher corrections and track their own progress over time. The Google Drive is a secure, private folder accessible only via a unique link provided to each class's enrolled students. Rest assured, the contents of the Drive are not accessible to the public. We ask that parents and students respect the privacy and copyright of these materials by refraining from sharing any links or videos outside the intended group. Sharing violates both copyright and child protection policies. By enrolling, you give permission for Do Dance Academy to take, use, and upload videos of your child/self exclusively for this Google Drive, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Please sign that you have read, understand and will abide by these Google Drive policies. Signature Required - Google drive video policy*Sign your name in free-form using your finger, stylus, mouse, trackpad or any other touchscreen tool. Accounts Policies*FEES 2025 * Enrolment Fee of $37.50 (Incl GST) per student/per calendar year. * Insurance & AMCOS Fee is $37.50 (Incl GST) per student/per year. * Lessons Fees are $21.00 (Incl GST) per lesson. Little Stars Program - * Little Stars Program Fee - $55.00 (Incl GST) includes all registration fees and program pack. * Lessons Fees are $21.00 (Incl GST) per lesson. Fees are charged per term and will vary depending on the number of weeks in a particular term, the number of dance styles studied and the number of children a parent has enrolled in the studio. Your enrolment period is from your registration date until 29th November 2025 unless you notify us via email ( as per our cancellation policy. Concert & Exams are optional however there are additional costs to partake in these events. Concert intake form must be submitted by 9th March 2025 to participate. Please contact office for more information. DISCOUNTS * Students doing 3 or more paid lessons a week will receive 3% Discount on total Fees. * Students doing 5 or more paid lessons a week will receive 5% Discount on total Fees. * Students doing 6 or more paid lessons a week will receive 10% Discount on total Fees. * Family Discount - - When a family takes 6 or more paid lessons per week all lessons will receive 10% discount. - When a family takes 8 or more paid lessons per week all lessons will receive 15% discount. * Eisteddfod Classes - Are free for students taking 3 or more lessons a week. MISSED LESSONS Please note that lesson fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. No deductions are made for lessons missed or late arrivals. In some cases, students may make up the lesson if there is an appropriate class for them to attend in lieu. This must be arranged via email and will be required to be done the week following the missed lesson. We also offer a Zoom option for those children unable to attend in person, but maybe able to still zoom from home. Please contact the office to arrange this. PAYMENTS Fees are payable in full by the term. An invoice will be emailed in week 1 of the term and is due within 14 days of the date of issue. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, credit card or direct deposit. Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, & Credit Card payments are to be paid at the reception desk and a receipt will be issued. Receipts are available for direct deposit payments on request. Please make all cheque payable to Do Dance Academy. Reception hours are during term – Monday 4.00pm – 5.30pm Tuesday 4.00pm – 6.15pm Wednesday 4.00pm – 5.30pm Thursday 4.00pm – 6.15pm Fridays 4.00pm – 6.15pm Saturdays 8.30am – 1.30pm LATE ACCOUNTS Accounts are due within 14 days of issue. An administration fee of $33.00 (Incl GST) is applied to the account once the due date has lapsed. If you do have any concerns or encounter challenges in meeting the payment deadline, please contact the Academy as there are alternative payment options in place. In instances where accounts are outstanding and no contact has been made, students will be suspended from Do Dance Academy immediately until payment is made. 'Non receivership of email' will not be accepted as a reason to waive Administration Fee when evidence is supplied by the studio of the sent date. Do Dance Academy's late account policy is strictly enforced. CANCELLATION POLICY All student enrolments are valid from their Date of Registration until 29th November 2025. If you decide to discontinue your enrolment prior to 29th November 2025, 14 days’ notice is required in writing to All fees will be payable until such notice is given in writing. Please sign that you have read, understand and will abide by these account and cancellation policies. Signature Required*Sign your name in free-form using your finger, stylus, mouse, trackpad or any other touchscreen tool. Policies & Code of Conduct*I commit to adhering to the ethical standards, conduct guidelines, safety protocols, social media regulations, and dress code policies outlined in the Do Dance Academy Information Booklet. This comprehensive booklet is accessible on the Do Dance Academy website before finalizing your registration and will also be sent to you via email upon confirmation of your enrolment. Please digitally sign below to acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and agree to comply with these policies. (TYPE YOUR FULL NAME THEN SIGN DIGITALLY) Signature Required*Sign your name in free-form using your finger, stylus, mouse, trackpad or any other touchscreen tool.Indemnity & Waiver*Dancers dance at their own risk and participation carries a real risk of physical injury. Whilst all reasonable care and skill is exercised in the tuition of students, to the extent permitted by law, no employee, agent, contractor or any person acting for or on behalf of the Principal of Do Dance Academy will be liable for any injury which may arise in the course of providing that tuition. I hereby agree to indemnify Do Dance Academy, its servants and agents against any and all claims, causes of action, proceedings, suits or demands of any nature at law or otherwise, in relation to any injury sustained by me or my child or any damage sustained to my, or my child's, property. I hereby give permission for my child/self to attend dance classes for Do Dance Academy. (TYPE YOUR FULL NAME THEN SIGN DIGITALLY) Signature Required*Sign your name in free-form using your finger, stylus, mouse, trackpad or any other touchscreen tool.Little Stars Program Fee - 1st Student* Price: Enrolment Fee - 1st Student* Price: Little Stars Program Fee - 2nd Student* Price: Enrolment Fee - 2nd Student* Price: Little Stars Program Fee - 3rd Student* Price: Enrolment Fee - 3rd Student* Price: Total Fees $ 0.00 NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.